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First Management Group 2000 Inc., was a company founded in 1994 in Chicago, Illinois by professionals with over 25 years of experience in different areas of Information Technology. It is dedicated to providing solutions to its clients by designing systems using the most advanced technology. It is based on this commitment to excellence that allows First Management Group 2000 Inc. be able to maintain long lasting relationships with its customer. First Management Group 2000 Inc., has a subsidiary; First Management Group 2000 México, in México City. It opened its doors in March of 1999 to increase the development of Information Technology in Latin America. |
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First Management Group 2000 Inc.
1106 N. Plum Grove Rd. Suite 307
Schaumburg IL. 60173
Telephone (847) 845-6106
Fax (847) 884-9563
E-mail: fmg2000inc@fmg2000.net
Copyright ©, all rights reserved to FIRST MANAGEMENT GROUP 2000 INC.